A thriving & vibrant community
We are a welcoming, caring neighborhood church in the suburbs of central Connecticut, sharing the grace of God with those we know, and those we don’t know. Like the sunlight through our stained-glass windows, the light of Christ illuminates our words and deeds. Our call to action – “Here I am, Lord” – mirrors that light through our eagerness to be the hands of God in our world.
Come join us – we’re in the neighborhood!
Meet Our Pastor
The Reverend Elizabeth A. Cummings is a Connecticut native who grew up attending Emanuel Lutheran Church in Hartford. She is a graduate of South Windsor High School, and the University of Connecticut, where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. Pastor Cummings received a Master of Divinity degree from Gettysburg Seminary in 2010. Prior to her first call as a Pastor, she served as a Vicar (pastoral intern) at Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington. Pastor Cummings was called to be the lead pastor at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Haysville, Kansas in 2011 and this is where she served until she joined St. Paul’s in the summer of 2022.
She is a horseback rider, lover of animals and enjoys being outdoors. She is looking forward to the ways St. Paul’s can be active in the community helping to spread the love of Christ to others.
The Meaning of the Stained Glass
Like our congregation, the stained glass in our sanctuary are mosaics of unique and colorful pieces, shining bright both individually and collectively. In fact, the light from the pieces shine more vibrantly when assembled – as does our congregation. Each member has gifts to share and when called together, we all shine that much brighter in God’s name.
Our Founding
The story of St. Paul’s Church begins on Sunday, October 18, 1942 when a mission congregation of 33 people gathered in a vacant store at 689 Wolcott Hill Road to worship. The monthly rent was $50.
Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church was officially organized on March 21, 1943 with an original charter membership of 76 persons. The store soon proved too small for this growing congregation. Three months later, on June 20, the congregation voted to purchase the Griswold property at 371 Wolcott Hill Road. For fifteen years the congregation worshiped in a chapel on the first floor of that white house that served also as the home of its first pastors.
Eventually, this chapel, too, proved too small and a new facility was built. On New Years Day, 1958, the congregation began worshiping in its new church building, and has done so ever since.
As the congregation grew, it became necessary to build a parish education building, which it did in 1968. And on May 19, 1996, we dedicated the newly completed Fellowship Hall that connected the Church Sanctuary to the Education Building.

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Continuing our Story
The Next Chapter
The history of Saint Paul’s Church, however, is more than a story about buildings. It is a story – still being written – of extraordinary love taking root in the faith-filled lives of our members.
We have begun a new chapter at St. Paul’s. We anticipate it will be full of spiritual renewal and excitement, new adventures, and joyous surprises, all made possible by God’s call to each one of us. Won’t you help us write our story?